How is your mom heart these days? Sounds like a loaded question, I know. And it is. Mostly because we carry a lot of emotional cargo on any given day.

This 40-day heart journey is a chance for each of us to undergo a purifying heart cleanse. An opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts to better live out both the Old and New Testament commandment to “love one another,” which includes loving ourselves.

If the desert experiences in the Bible were about encounter, testing, and renewal, then our experience is a similar map: prayer in the form of being present to God’s Presence around us (see LOVE), fasting from the temptation to pretend and feast on vulnerable authenticity (free LOVE), and in a spirit of almsgiving, share our renewed and refreshed capacity to love with the world around us (be LOVE).

I’ve segmented the devotional into 6 weekly themes. Each week includes a short reflection, suggested outside reading, actions to take, questions to ponder, and scripture verses to meditate on. Spend as much or as little time as your heart desires. While this book was initially created for Lent, this 40-day journey is something you can enjoy anytime!

I’ve set up a private Facebook group called 40 Days to See, Free, & Be LOVE. If you’d like to be a part of a private discussion with others who are sharing in this journey, just request to join when you receive the link in the final welcome email and I’ll add you in. There are videos from previous years in the group for each week that you can view anytime. I’ll be adding new videos for 2020 as well.

Once you sign up below you will get an email with a link to download the free devotional and access to the private Facebook group.


Loving and praying you forward!


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