“Daughter, I know you don’t care what people think, but I care what people see. And you should too. It’s not safe for a young lady to be so carefree on a busy street.”
She rolled her eyes, took a mouth-closed deep breath through sucked in nostrils, and marched upstairs to retrieve shorts.
And there I stood.
In the space between parenting and letting go.
This exchange with my 20 year-old daughter was a defining moment in our relationship. More like a defining moment for how I was going to handle the “that was then, but this is now” space going forward. I have a knack of trying to do God’s job. So far, it hasn’t worked out.
I’m honored to be sharing the entire heart battle over at Her View From Home this week. Hoping you’ll join me there and find out how I got myself out of this mess!
And a quick ask for prayers if any of you have a spare minute. Turns out I had to have an unexpected hysterectomy last week and I’m fresh into a slow your roll recovery–which is definitely not my accustomed pace! You may see a story on here in the near future. I’ve had a few things to say lately about finding Grace in the mishmash of health concerns. Mostly gratitude…
Struggling in the Space Between Mothering and Letting Go
Let’s all do our best to let go of our kiddos, crazy Mommas!
Do you or a fellow Momma need some heart encouragement? Subscribe to Shelby’s monthly Grace Notes and receive 3 FREE Chapters of her new book with Lisa Leshaw, “How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”) The two of them share short reflections on their perspective of 31 motherhood emotions, each tied to a specific Psalm. The cool thing is, Shelby is a Jesus groupie and Lisa is a Moses devotee!