meet shelby (official)

Shelby is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Meditation Teacher (CMT), author, freelance writer, speaker, and love advocate who is passionate about helping others ‘change the way they look at things so the things they look at change.’
After a 17-year (and counting) journey of personal healing and transformation, Shelby is passionate about paying forward all she’s learned by encouraging, inspiring, and loving on others, especially mommas.
Shelby lives in Ohio and after graduating with a BA in Accounting, she finally followed her passion to be a professional writer in 2015, at the your-never-too-old-to-follow-your-dreams-age of 45. She’s known for her deep love of others, vulnerable storytelling, sassy sense of humor, and tender listening.
Her book, How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”), co-authored with her dear friend, Lisa Leshaw, recently won the 2020 Publisher’s Weekly Book Life Prize as the finalist in the Inspirational/Spiritual category.
Shelby has numerous stories featured in the national publication, Guideposts. She also has over 160 featured articles at online publications, including Her View From Home, Scary Mommy, Parenting Teens & Tweens, For Every Mom, Love What Matters, and Today. You can meditate with her on Insight Timer, join her peace mission at Peaceful Change Begins With Me, as well as info about the mission she and her daughter, Kahrin, co-created called, LOVESPEAKS. Shelby lives in Ohio with her husband, John, where they reminisce about their three 20-something children who no longer live in the nest and bask in glory over the birth of their first granddaughter.
hey, friends (candid and personal)

Here’s the thing. As an empath and Enneagram 2, I’m super sappy and a big-time love enthusiast. In high school, I was voted “most sarcastic” by my senior class and it turns out I’ve stayed really true to form over the years. I’ve been married to my guy for 29 years and am a mom of three amazing 20-something kiddos, and a first-time grandma to my granddaughter who is a love portal of another kind. My heart carries a deep love for humanity–especially the deep wisdom of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and storytelling in many forms.
Now that my husband, John, and I are in a season of empty nest, you can find me spending my days writing and speaking about all the ways motherhood has shaped, transformed, inspired, and aged me. The truth is, I often get compliments from others telling me I did a great job raising my kids. While I appreciate the encouragement, I need to set the record straight: my kids did an amazing job raising me. I’m a better human through and through because of them.
While John and my children graffiti my soul, all things chocolate melt my heart. Music stirs me like no other, crying fulfills me, laughing heals me, and a love of creativity keeps me young. Some of my favorite things in life are books, yoga, all things momma Gaia, cooking, time with family and friends, and a comfy pair of jeans—most notably the stretchy kind. Denim defines me in a bluesy kind of way. Ripped specifically.
I play guitar and piano–my whole fam damily is a musical crew. You can find my kiddos music here: Johnny, Kyle, Kahrin. Hiking, biking, and the concept of running also top my list. I’m also a huge proponent of all things woo woo and metaphysical because modalities like meditation, energy work, and breathwork, as well as practices like divination and journeying have been game-changing and transformative. Although I presently live in Ohio, I’ve come to find out that Colorado is one of my spirit animals.

trip to barcelona in 2018 with fam damily