It’s official. I’ve decided babies—especially grandbabies—are the salve the world needs for healing and transformation. As in looking at them, holding them, and getting lost in their magical presence. Because the way we change the world is by changing ourselves—which happens by divine default around newborns.
Their vibrant energy field is a million miles wide with a gravitational pull you can’t resist. It swallows your suffering whole and backfills the empty places with spellbound wonder. Our thinking mind shuts off, and our heart expands. All negative vibes trapped in our bodies instantly release and leave our awareness. The power of LOVE buzzing through their miniature being transmutes our ills and brings us back to wholeness. We can literally feel the restoration take place within.
My beautiful granddaughter, Zelie, is my little LOVE portal these days. Becoming a gramma caused a profound awakening and shift inside me as a momma. Looking at her for the first time pulled back the curtain on motherhood, giving me a 30k foot view and Higher Self perspective on the entire journey from pregnancy to adulthood. Without the veils. Minus the constructs. Void of the fears. I simply “saw” motherhood in all its magnificence, free from the insecurities, worries, and doubts that consumed me for the past 28 years.
As a gramma, I also simply “saw” Zelie in all her wonder. Pure LOVE in a 6 lb. 6 oz container. When our eyes first met, the gaze was free from the responsibility and anxiety of being a mom. Free from preconceived notions about my role or expectations about who she was or how she’d be. There was no history to cling to and no conditioning to project. NOW was all there was. Her energy, her teeny frame, her love—and me witnessing it. Nothing else. All my senses and awareness were captivated by her existence. Unconditional love for her bowled me over.
I lamented in my heart how I wish I’d known how to be consistently present and awake with my own three kids. Of course, my love for them was (still is) to the moon and back. But my mind was often consumed with all the things surrounding their well-being and ensuring I did everything right for their safety and success. I couldn’t “see” the beauty of what was unfolding around me when worry about the future or regrets about the past held me hostage.
As a gramma, those concerns don’t exist. Their mere presence makes everything new. We are free to experience the depth of who are grandchildren are with clear eyes, full hearts, and a can’t lose mentality. The here and now is all there is.
In the five weeks since Zelie’s birth, I’ve had the privilege of spending one day a week bonding with my granddaughter in between feedings so her beautiful Mommy can continue to unpack and get their new home in order. It’s been the joy of my life to hold her for hours on end. Whether she’s napping on my chest and cooing sweet nothings or becoming aware of her surroundings, I can’t get enough of just looking at her. It’s truly everything. Plus, more. The more being the profound treasure of watching my oldest son be her father. No words.
Babies have a way of bringing what’s true and what matters back into focus. Their innocence is a holy beckoning into the present moment where illusion falls away, and LOVE takes center stage. First in ourselves and then in our shared humanity as we remember who we are and why we’re here.
As portals to infinite LOVE, babies reveal the vastness of the Universe made manifest in a pint-sized vessel. The incomprehensible LOVE holding us all together beckons our acknowledgment through their tiny features, fingers, and toes. Seeing such a miracle cracks us wide open, allowing light to pour in and illuminate all that is sacred and pure about our love-based existence.
Their sacred stature is a force willing all of us forward. If we can lean in long enough to the newness of a little one’s existence, our heart has a chance to open to a newness of its own, creating fresh resolve to heal and transform within, which will automatically heal and transform all that’s without. We need only say yes.
Oh, what a supernatural gift babies are for the soul. These mini healers and heroes have the power to change the world by simply being in our midst.