Confessions of a Struggling to Let Go Momma
My journey through the “that was then, but this is now” space in raising young adults. I have a knack of trying to do God’s job for him. So far, it hasn’t worked out.
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My journey through the “that was then, but this is now” space in raising young adults. I have a knack of trying to do God’s job for him. So far, it hasn’t worked out.
Continue readingWhen it comes to adulting, love is who we are, but unfortunately not all we know. The practice of “being still in God’s presence” is no longer second nature. Which means if we aren’t mindful and making a conscious effort, the reflecting of love is probably not going on as much as we think.
Continue readingBecoming a mom does a lot of things to our heart and soul. The love factor is beyond comprehension. Then there’s the fear factor, which exists in a league of its own.
Continue readingProjecting fear and worry based on potential circumstances or scripting how we will respond to this or that is trying to control an illusion. Only God knows the path for our kids and for us as parents.
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