As adults, we may overlook this Dad even though we’ve seen him around. He sets the bar for servant parenting: provides without complaint and sacrifices his own desires to create a bountiful life for his family.
His mere presence fills the familial atmosphere with a sense of lingering peace. Somehow, you know if anything bad happens or goes awry, he will swoop in and save the day Superman style.
This type of father is a role model for his sons and daughters in countless ways. For his boys, he teaches how to respect others, especially their mother. He brings back the charm of chivalry by opening her car door, getting her a plate of food before his own, and practicing the art of listening instead of the more male-oriented role of trying to “fix” a problem.
For his girls, he nurtures their self-esteem and inner Cinderella with tenderness and unconditional love: warm embraces, showing up and supporting her at all events, taking her out on special dates.
Join me over at Red Tricycle for some ideas on how to celebrate such an amazing Dad!
Love on, crazy Mommas!