What Littles Teach Us About All Things Indescribable
Kids are easily stirred by the little stuff and consistently moved by the grandeur of God’s glory. Life has yet to dull their senses. We can learn from them.
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Kids are easily stirred by the little stuff and consistently moved by the grandeur of God’s glory. Life has yet to dull their senses. We can learn from them.
Continue readingSo how do we find time to sit at the table and enjoy each other’s company aside from our one-day tradition when life spreads us thin and pulls our family in multiple directions? How can we engage in meaningful, face-to-face connection when our spouse travels, our kids have opposing activity schedules, or unfortunate events have severed emotional ties or left us empty with grief?
Continue readingDo any of you feel like you scurry through life each day adding more items to an absurdly too long “undone” list? Just when do the things we need ‘to do’ get done?
Continue readingThe journey of raising kids does a number on our heart, whatever the real meaning is of such a cliché. But doing a number on us in terms of parenting means unexplainable twists and turns, tugs and pulls of emotions. And if we allow ourselves to learn from the flux, the experience can and should transform our heart in any number of ways.
Continue readingDear Amazing Mom, Beautiful Sis, Faithful Friend, Devoted Wife to My Brother & Loving Aunt to My Kiddos, Can I be you when I grow up? Sure, I’ve got you by eleven years and your current four children are age 7 and under, while my three are 18 and over….
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