Does technology ever drive you mad? Make you want to chuck your laptop or phone across the room? Or is it just me who allows such trivial things to get under my aging skin?

This morning happens to be a crapstorm of techno schmecno tyranny in my little world. The iPad continues to think-spin into oblivion, Google is choosing to take a millennium to open on my laptop, and my iPhone—which is right next to me—doesn’t ring, yet sends me loud notifications about voicemails.

In 30 minutes flat, I’ve managed to make a Himalaya of irritation out of a mole hill of minor setbacks. Which included me shouting several ladylike barbs from the mountain top. The reverb in my living room only multiplies the negative mojo. Thank you, lady hormones and technology.

But isn’t it incredible how reliant we’ve become on such a convenience? Our expectations for speed, reliability, instantaneous results are outrageous when you think about all things electronic revolution. Right now is the new at some point.

How does this mindset translate into family life? Are we carrying over our insatiable need for immediacy into the way we parent and/or how we manage the household? How about at work or in our relationships with others?

Join me over at Her View From Home for the rest of the conversation!

What is Our Obsession About ‘Instant Everything’ Doing to Our Kids?

Let’s slow down, crazy Mommas!

Shelby is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Meditation Teacher (CMT), author, freelance writer, speaker, and love enthusiast who is passionate about helping others ‘change the way they look at things so the things they look at change.’ She has numerous stories featured in the national publication, Guideposts. She also has over 160 featured articles at online publications, including Her View From Home, Scary Mommy, Parenting Teens & Tweens, For Every Mom, Love What Matters, and Today. Her book, How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”), co-authored with her dear friend, Lisa Leshaw, recently won the 2020 Publisher’s Weekly Book Life Prize as the finalist in the Inspirational/Spiritual category.