Becoming a mom does a lot of things to our heart and soul. The love factor is beyond comprehension. Then there’s the fear factor, which exists in a league of its own. Although loving two boys out of the nest was difficult, giving my daughter wings to fly was something altogether different.
Mom fear takes on new meaning when sending a young woman into the world. And in the February issue of Guideposts, I discussed my journey of worry in great detail…including how prayer and my daughter’s beautiful faith helped me overcome many mountains of anxiety.
Click here to read Goodbye, Kahrin
To letting go, crazy Mommas!

Do you or a fellow Momma need some heart encouragement? Subscribe to Shelby’s monthly Grace Notes and receive 3 FREE Chapters of her new book with Lisa Leshaw, “How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”) The two of them share short reflections on their perspective of 31 motherhood emotions, each tied to a specific Psalm. The cool thing is, Shelby is a Jesus groupie and Lisa is a Moses devotee!
Shelby is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Meditation Teacher (CMT), author, freelance writer, speaker, and love enthusiast who is passionate about helping others ‘change the way they look at things so the things they look at change.’ She has numerous stories featured in the national publication, Guideposts. She also has over 160 featured articles at online publications, including Her View From Home, Scary Mommy, Parenting Teens & Tweens, For Every Mom, Love What Matters, and Today. Her book, How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”), co-authored with her dear friend, Lisa Leshaw, recently won the 2020 Publisher’s Weekly Book Life Prize as the finalist in the Inspirational/Spiritual category.