What comes first? Goodnight Moon or This Is Us? Since we can’t definitively answer the question about the chicken or the egg, it’s doubtful we’ll get to the bottom of this question either. Regardless of our philosophical conclusions, after watching last night’s episode the real takeaway is: from this point forward, we will never be able to have one without the other in our heart space Click & Tweet! Thank you, brilliant This Is Us writers.
But the more compelling question is, “Whose soul-bound idea was it to write Goodnight Moon into the script anyway?” Weaving such a unique thread through an episode set out to prove the human collective has shared experiences across every spectrum is creative genius. Whoever you are, I’m still giving a standing O over here. Listen close and you’ll hear my robust display of hand clapping echoing through time and space.
Here’s the thing. Goodnight Moon is a simple book. No glitz, no glamour—just the story of a bunny saying goodnight to the world before going to sleep. And the simplicity is what turns this tiny classic into a family favorite. Goodnight Moon is a universal, feel-good, tuck-your-kids-into-bed staple for every parent. Who knew a make-believe book with 132 words could touch hearts across the globe? And who knew a T.V. show with pretend story lines could annihilate hearts across the same globe?
This Is Us reminded us we all walk through life with similar journeys in which we experience joy, face hardship, celebrate success, and fight demons. We aren’t alone in our own universe—all of us fall asleep under the same moon. And if we can remember everyone has a story, maybe we can muster up more compassion for our fellow man. The writers used another stroke of genius to help us hone in on this truth with the parallel of everyone has a story they read their child before bed. Just wow.
Because both the book and the show are forever classics, I thought we all could use a This Is Us version of Goodnight Moon.
Goodnight This Is Us
In the great Pearson room
There was a husband and wife
And the Big Three
And many pictures of-
Their family tree
And there were three little hearts stock full of love
And five plates
And a pair of soulmates
And a little yellow terrible towel
And a deep sense of wow
And a Buddhist necklace and a lunar pendant and a Pilgrim Rick descendent
And a quiet karma, warm and resplendent
Goodnight Pearson room
Goodnight family tree
Goodnight hearts beating with glee
Goodnight light
And the Big Three
Goodnight hearts
Goodnight love
Goodnight plates
And goodnight soulmates
Goodnight Bec
And goodnight Jack
Goodnight yellow terrible towel
And goodnight sense of wow
Goodnight Buddhist necklace
And goodnight lunar pendant
Goodnight nobody
Goodnight Pilgrim Rick descendent
And goodnight karma, warm and resplendent
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Good night beautiful memories everywhere
And, um, #ThisIsUs writers, this show can never end. Like never ever.
Sleep tight, crazy Mommas!
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