I’m heaven bent on going down believing there is power in love over anything else—even the power of power. Observing children experience life makes such a bold act of faith possible. Their innocence and trusting nature have a way of compelling us to remain steadfast despite torrents of ugly rushing all around trying to steal our hope.
Sometimes saying there is power in love can feel like an empty platitude when we look at what’s going on in our world. It’s hard to proclaim when daily news coverage screams, “there is power in hate” and “power in evil.”
Jesus said, “Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.”[1] Kids have PhD’s in the simple and elemental. Not just littles either, who see the world and all the people in it with a wide-angle lens affixed to their heart. I have three millennials who have tasted the bitterness of hate and evil on far too many occasions during their brief existence, yet continue to live by a straightforward faith mantra: love wins, all the time, no matter what because God is love.
Such a mindset for a person of any age is about as elemental as it gets, and right in line with Jesus’ greatest commandment to love. The problem is, approaching life with this kind of certitude is so stinking hard sometimes.
Being a human is complicated. Then, as life seasons our thinking and shape-shifts our perspective, the complexity broadens. At some point on our journey, each of us encounters a person or unfortunate circumstance that leaves us broken and bruised, causing us to have to squint a little harder when looking for ways the power of love triumphs.
Believing love wins is hard to swallow in the face of immense suffering, both within our personal circle and across the globe. We need faith, trust, and hope in what we can’t see to help us digest the anguish. Kids seem to have these three things mastered.
Maybe because young kids are more in tune to God due to emotional logistics, they are better able to see through the eyes of love, more willing to allow the God (love) in them to see the God (love) in others.
There is power in love when we dare to see ourselves as equals who share the divine image of our Creator.
Littles are also quick to forgive and move on—preferring to live in the now rather than stew over the past or project ill-will into the future.
There is power in love when we don’t demand perfection in others or ourselves.
Kids don’t offer conditional love based on met or unmet expectations. Their adoring comes straight from the Source within, natural and authentic.
There is power in love when it’s not on the surface of an agenda.
As seasoned adults, many circumstances serve to tarnish, skew, and numb our senses. Hurts linger, often leaving debilitating scars. Playing nice with people who seem hell-bent on spewing hate and committing evil sure doesn’t spark the joy meter. Yet, Jesus calls us to love…all the time…no matter what. God will handle the rest.
Kids get this. They simply love and intrinsically know. Click & Tweet! While I’m all about love and do my best to be love to others, I can think of a lot of areas in my life in which I should be on my knees begging to be a kid again.
Dr. Martin Luther King spoke much about the redemptive power of love, and Bishop Michael Curry’s legendary sermon at the Royal wedding was a billowing reverb. It’s quite possible his words about love will echo inside the majestic walls of Saint George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for years to come. I know they’re still ringing in mine.
There is power in love.
Thank goodness this world is full of children bringing this message to life.
Let’s channel our inner kiddo, crazy Mommas!
[1] Matthew 18:4 (MSG)
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