Why Our Kids Need Us to Ask More Questions
When we don’t ask questions and listen with intent and purpose to our kids, and instead assume and react, we can miss the undercurrent of the what, why, and how of their behaviors.
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When we don’t ask questions and listen with intent and purpose to our kids, and instead assume and react, we can miss the undercurrent of the what, why, and how of their behaviors.
Continue readingSo, if you partake in the #oneword parade, what word did you choose for 2018? What one word can heal, transform, inspire, engage, move you forward in 2018?
Continue readingSo how do we find time to sit at the table and enjoy each other’s company aside from our one-day tradition when life spreads us thin and pulls our family in multiple directions? How can we engage in meaningful, face-to-face connection when our spouse travels, our kids have opposing activity schedules, or unfortunate events have severed emotional ties or left us empty with grief?
Continue readingDo any of you feel like you scurry through life each day adding more items to an absurdly too long “undone” list? Just when do the things we need ‘to do’ get done?
Continue readingAnd as conduits of Grace and Mercy, our tweens and teens have an uncanny ability to dump the laundry basket of our neatly folded selves into a heap on the floor. Thank God. Really, God, thank you.
Continue readingThe journey of raising kids does a number on our heart, whatever the real meaning is of such a cliché. But doing a number on us in terms of parenting means unexplainable twists and turns, tugs and pulls of emotions. And if we allow ourselves to learn from the flux, the experience can and should transform our heart in any number of ways.
Continue readingI stopped sending Christmas cards eight years ago. Why? Because I dreaded the time-consuming process. Plus I figured negative energy gets trapped in envelopes. For me, sending cards with a resentful or empty attitude smells like scrooge more than not sending wishes at all.
Continue readingFor years leading up to this stage, I worried and vexed and grayed while assuming the formidable stage would be a disaster. I thought for sure I’d fail as a mom and screw up my miracles for good. Until I didn’t. Thank you, the mystique of prayers, Goose over ice, and God’s grace.
Continue readingOriginally published on Parent.co Car rides home with a nine-year-old who just endured a two-hour football practice wearing full pads on a sun-stroked field are often filled with complaining. Hunger and exhaustion steeped in sweat do not tend to bring out the best in a person. “Mom, I don’t want to play cornerback…
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